The Zag’s



We’ve talked about a family web site for a long time now. But it always got bumped by higher priorities.  I’m not sure why now is the time, but it’s long overdue.  There isn’t going to be a lot of text for a while - that will hopefully come later.  For now I’ll just see how many pix I can find that are worth posting here.   

Eventually I would like to have pages for Rapids, Almond and North Dakota.  Pages for the kids and their families would be great too.  And maybe a blog or forum page where we could all exchange pleasantries.

But for now I’ll just concentrate on filling in some of the blanks on the pages that are here.  Kindly be patient - there’s a lot of territory to cover here and a limit to the amount of time I will be able to devote to the site.  Any contributions, pictures or text, as well as suggestions are welcome.  Come back often!

Quisque pellentes

Pellentesque tincidunt, dolor eu dignissim mollis, justo sapien iaculis pede, vel tincidunt.

Nulla quis nibh


In eget sapien vitae massa rhoncus lacinia. Nullam at leo nec metus aliquam semper.

Vestibulum velit

Quisque pellentesque metus ac quam. Donec magna nulla, aliquet vitae, congue ac, faucibus.

Morbi pellentesque, mauris interdum porta tincidunt, neque orci molestie mauris, vitae iaculis dolor felis at nunc.

Vivamus vel sapien. Praesent nisl tortor, laoreet eu, dapibus quis, egestas non, mauris. Cum sociis natoque penatibus.

Pellentesque tincidunt